Ok you guys, we are finally nearing the end of this first plot. I know it's been long, but we've all learned something from this: Not to have a fully outlined plots.
I'd like to congradulate all of you who have remained constantly active through this all. If we were using a point system, you would have earned some major points. But since we don't just know how much I appreciate it!
Here's some info for ya.
Current plot: All Kinds of Introductions
Next plot: a mini-plot, School Masquarade. You can find it under lame idea? by Loika.
And as you can see I've added Affiliates to the main page. One is our forum supporter, Forumotion, one is my other site, Second Generation Riders, and the other is one made by a guy I'm in a Rp with who needs some more advertising and members. He's got an interesting plot, so go check it out. If you have any suggestions for it PM me so I can inform him.
Again, thanks for sticking with me, it means a lot.